Kamis, 04 Juli 2013

What is the PURPOSE of Trayvon's Stepmother Talking NOW?


Trayvon Martin’s Step-Mom Speaks Out—Says She Don’t Think Zimmerman Targeted Him Because He Was Black
Trayvon Martin’s stepmom Alicia Stanley is no longer remaining silent. The women who helped raise Trayvon for 14 years, says she doesn’t think Zimmerman shot her stepson because he was black.

During an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper on, Alicia stated:
“I really don’t think it was Zimmerman don’t like black people, or he picked him out because he was black,” she said. “Did he profile him with the hoodie and stuff like that as this thug, whatever, walking, in Zimmerman’s mind? Yes, but to say that he targeted him because he was black? No, I don’t think so.”
She went on to say that her family doesn’t use racial slurs like “white a** cracker,” which star witness Rachel Jeantel said Trayvon used to describe Zimmerman during their phone call.
“Kids gonna be kids,” she said. “We didn’t teach that kind of language in our home.”

She also admitted that she doesn’t like to watch the trial. “To see and hear the things that led to his death. It’s hard for me. I don’t care to hear that,” she revealed.
If Zimmerman is not found guilty of killing the 17-year-old, Stanley said she would be heartbroken.
 “It’s going to be heartbreaking, because I truly believe that Zimmerman killed my son,” she said. “God will take care of all of that. I put it in God’s hands.”

Check out the full interview below and tell us what you think about Alicia Stanley finally speaking out.


I only have 2 questions 1) What is her purpose of speaking at this time? 2) Doesn’t it seem like she's subliminally trashing Sybrina Fulton?


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