Rabu, 24 Juli 2013

Uh Oh? Dwight Howard has KNOCKED UP Another Girl!

Use A Condom Next Time: Dwight Howard’s “Newest” Baby Mama Has Been Silenced Already?!?
Rumor has it that Dwight Howard, supposedly just added a 5th or 6th baby to his roster from current girlfriend, Christine Vest…

Well Damn, Is he trying to be a mobile sperm bank?!?
One would think that with a new baby on board and a new city to rock with, Dwight Howard would want his latest prized possessions in the same city… pump ya brakes Christine, you are not going anywhere!

According to Black Sports Online…
Dwight Howard has told Christine Vest she isn’t allowed to tell anyone it is his kid and she isn’t allowed to move to Houston with him. She will have to stay in California and raise the kid like the other 7 baby mamas, alone while Dwight parties with James Harden. Cute kid though. Jocks and Stiletto Jill found the photos on Christine’s Instagram. While you will see photos and veil references to Dwight Howard, at least for now the child won’t be publicly acknowledged as his. Seriously… Dwight had everyone thinking that Royce Reed was a nut job… in both senses of the phrase but the reality is that Dwight is messy as hell and uses his money to hide the truth and silence a person.
Hopefully Christine gets the better end of the situation. They say 3rd time is a charm but obviously that didn’t mean ish for this fool.

Check Out How Christine defends her 1st baby daddy.
This girl needs to be realistic about her situation. We understand handling the disrespect from social media but honestly… did she think he was going to be “different” this time around?!?

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