Selasa, 30 Juli 2013

Foxy Brown gets confronted for not paying for a 900$ WEAVE?

So....A Hairstylist Confronts FOXY BROWN Over Not Paying For A $900 Weave?!
Another day, another Foxy Brown story that makes us wipe away that one lonely tear that represents hope that she will return to the Don Diva she used to be.
Inga "Foxy Brown" Marchand was caught on camera getting confronted by a hairstylist for not paying up the $900 owed for her new weavery. In a video posted recently by, Fox Boogie was put on blast for stiffing a hairstylist for $900.  Yes, we're more shocked than anything else her Yaky costs more than a couple hundred. (And miss us with the judgment because you know your mind skipped to that VERY thought FIRST as well).  But we're also shocked somebody decided to videotape the confrontation...and send it out to the internet streets.


If falling on stage in a leopard & bedazzled outft that she pulled from the back of her closet wasn't the epitome of embarrasing, this ought to do it.

No confirmation yet on when exactly this was filmed.  But does it really matter?  We thought we were on the road to Bad Girl Comeback after chick "allegedly" stole all that weave glue years ago.  Guess not.

We're still keeping hope alive Foxy.  And hopefully this was all just a misunderstanding....

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