Rabu, 10 Juli 2013

Did You know there was an "Angry Trayvon" App on your Phone?

Offensive ‘Angry Trayvon’ App Pulled From Google Play & Apple App Store

*After being painted as a violent, weed-smoking teen who caused his own untimely death, Trayvon Martin’s legacy will have another log added to the fire: the ill advised “Angry Trayvon” app from a company called Trade Digital.

Available for Apple and Android devices, the app is described as follows:
Trayvon is angry and nobody can stop him from completing his world tour of revenge on the bad guys who terrorize cities everyday.Use a variety of weapons to demolish Trayvon’s attackers in various cities around the world.As you complete a level, you will notice more bad guys coming at Trayvon at a faster pace and a deadlier attack.If you like to attack from far, then purchase the ‘dagger’ as you will be able to throw it at your enemies for the kill.If you want to dominate the leaderboards across the world, then make sure you collect the money that the bad guys will drop once you kill them to increase your score.

The Angry Trayvon app is just one of the many ways people are looking to use the case and Trayvon’s death as a means to profit. Another man was selling gun range targets with Trayvon’s image. A hooded figure is illustrated holding Skittles and drinking a beverage, assumed to be Arizona Iced Tea. As some may recall those were items purchased by the teen the night he was gunned down.
Advertisements for the targets were posted on a popular firearms auction website and the sellers stated they “support Zimmerman and believe he is innocent and that he shot a thug.”

It looks like Google and Apple have thought about it decided it’s not worth the trouble to have such a controversial app connected with them and have deleted it from their respective app stores.
Along with noting that the app had been removed, Trade digital still insists there was nothing racist about it.
 “This was by no means a racist game. Nonetheless, it was removed as will this page and anything associated with the game will be removed.”

Here’s the promo for the Angry Trayvon app:


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