Antwaun Cook Admits Cheating with Fantasia
Two years ago when Fantasia Barrino's baby daddy's wife Paula Cook tried to sue Fantasia under North Carolina's alienation of affection law for cheating with her husband Antwaun Cook, Antwuan testified in court that he and his wife had been separated before he and Fantasia hooked up
Welp, Antwuan just signed papers admitting he and his wife weren't actually separated at the time and that he was cheating on her, paving the way for Paula to take Fantasia to the cleaners...
From Radar Online
"The parties consent and agree that Palintiff [Paula] and Defendant [Antwaun] are husband and wife having been lawfully married to each other on October 1, 2005 and separated on June 16, 2010," the docs state.
By consenting to the date of separation being June 2010, Antwaun is admitting that he cheated on his wife with Fantasia.
Given Antwaun's admission of adultery, if his estranged wife desired to do so she would now legally sue Fantasia for Alienation of Affection, which is a North Carolina law in which one can sue the third party who "alienates" the affections of one spouse from the other spouse.
Just last year an unnamed jilted wife was awarded a $30 million "bench verdict" and the year before a $5.9 million case was awarded to the innocent spouse.
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