Selasa, 04 September 2012



Nicki Minaj Says She's Voting For MITT ROMNEY On "Mercy (Remix)"....Just Verses Or Real Talk?
In her new verse on Lil Wayne's "Mercy (Remix)" just released off his new Dedication 4 mixtape, Nicki Minaj is ruffling some feathers by firing a political shot.  Check out why she claims to be a Republican who is voting for Presidential candidate Mitt Romney....
Lil Wayne dropped his Dedication 4 mixtape yesterday.  And a track he and Nicki are rapping on over Kanye West's "Mercy" beat is causing some ruckus.  Nicki alludes to Democrats being lazy and messing up the economy, and says she's voting for Mitt Romney:

I'm a Republican voting for Mitt Romney, you lazy bitches is fucking up the economy.

Now Just sit back and let that statement marinate for a minute from a chick who f*cked for tracks experienced, Lesbianism, Mother was beat down by her Dad, Come from the poor section of Queens NY, etc, etc.
It's no secret that the Republican "trickle down" economic platform indeed helps the rich (like Nicki & anyone else making over $1 mill a year) stay rich and get richer. But there are plenty of rich folks...including those far wealthier and far less lazy than Nicki...who believe core values like women's rights, universal health care, relieving taxes on those who are just making it, and simply giving two sh*ts about the other 99%, are all more important than their own cash.  And they call themselves Democrats. 


If her rap flow didn't sound like an animated elementary school character...we may not have had to wonder if she was serious or not about not knowing which political party landed us in this predicament in the first place.  But I have to ask the question...

Is the B*TCH REAL OR NOT?...LIL KIM You were right all along! Obviously Pissy Nicki forgot where she came from!

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