Senin, 19 Desember 2011

HUH,Assassinate the N*gger Obama and his Monkey Children?!?


California Libertarian Politician Calls for Assassination of President Obama and His Children on Facebook
This is a cross post from my girl over at Angry Black Lady Chronicles
[This post is sticky. Please read the important update below.]

This story has already developed into two distinct lines of inquiry. One pertains to the individual who appears to have posted the threat, the other to bizarre developments I unearthed when I looked closer at the article which provoked his outburst.
To reduce any confusion, I am separating these stories into two separate developing blog posts. This one will concentrate on Mr. Manson, the other will consolidate everything I’ve discovered about When I have further updates for either post, I will post them at the top for your convenience. Stay tuned. 

Since this story was initially posted and updated, Mr. Manson responded via Facebook to the story about his threats to President Obama and his children, which then posted to his Facebook page.
For a time, the story was down, causing some to wonder about its legitimacy. We’ve written in the past about the trustworthiness of content on that site, which publishes the contributions of “citizen journalists” who are compensated by the click for their work. Since then, it has been reinstated to the site and can be reached via this link, and I have taken a screenshot for future reference.
You’ll note that the author Michael Stone has revised his title and opening sentences of his post to downplay the Tea Party linkage.

Mr. Manson’s Facebook page remains locked, and while others have attempted to gain access to it by “subscribing” to his page, no new subscription requests have been approved by him, so I remain unable to personally verify the content of the screenshots included in this post below. They were taken from the post as well.

The NDAA made him do it.

Jules Manson of Carson, California, an unsuccessful recent candidate for their city council, posted a rant on his Facebook page motivated by the passage of the NDAA. He shared a link to an article on the website entitled, Goodbye Bill of Rights, Obama Signs NDAA, by Josh Harkinson, who also writes for Mother Jones. [See UPDATE BELOW] This article opens:

"To no one’s surprise, President Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) last night immediately after the House of Representatives passed it on a vote of 283-136. This deplorable act of treason only serves to cement the fact that Obama is a serial liar who has no respect for the basic rights of American citizens."

The first problem with this article is that it is WRONG because the President has not yet actually signed the legislation. Beyond that, the article proceeds to list every claim that has been made about any version of the NDAA without clarifying how it was revised during the legislative process, and concludes

Consider this, President Truman vetoed an indefinite detention bill when the largest threat to the national defense of the United States had an arsenal of thousands of nuclear weapons and when domestic spies were rampant. Now, the major threat to our national security emanates from third world countries with enemies living in caves, who have countlessly failed, not because of the PATRIOT Act, but because of their own incompetence. The NDAA is an abomination that is more of a threat to our freedom and our rights than any foreign terrorist ever was.

On Facebook, Manson wrote the following while sharing the article:

If the government is allowed to use force on us while it erodes our constitutional protections, it MUST be countered with assassinations onto them and their children, and onto all others in uniform who directly protect the state. This is because such pyschopaths cannot be reasoned with. They are actually protecting their privileged positions in society, not our rights or security. We must demonstrate that such treason will become too expensive for them to support. This is the only way.
We do have the power. We just need to exercise it and drop our political correct beliefs. For example, if ever serving on a jury for anyone charged with a crime against any elected or appointed government employee or any board member of any finance corporation, we must always protect such patriots despite the evidence. Always vote “not guilty” for these heroes.
Political correct beliefs of “not stooping to their level” are not instilled into us to make us moral human beings. They are indoctrinated for the protection of those who betray us. Turn the other cheek? Fuck that!
This is dedicated to [name redacted] who still believes in that monkey.

Then, in the comments to the post, and just in case his original posting was unclear, Manson weighed in with the following words:
Assassinate the fucken nigger and his monkey children.

Screenshot and more information below.
Initial reporting on this story from the, which was in turn picked up by Alan Colmes LiberalLand, indicates that the offending post was taken down by Manson after being bombarded by comments, then followed by another post where he argued that using the word “nigger” does not make him a racist. (Manson’s Facebook page is still active, however, he has made its content private so I’m not able to confirm this.)

It’s important to note that this initial reporting described Manson as a Tea Party candidate. However, on the website Manson set up for his failed run for city council, he self-identifies as a member of the Libertarian Party. Searching his site, I find no mention of the Tea Party, though he describes himself as a constitutional conservative who abhors public sector unions. In one article on his site, Manson writes some pretty common Libertarian boilerplate, to wit:

I have become disillusioned with all levels of government because it continues to betray our trust. I am no longer trusting of government. It is enslaving our labor through a fiat monetary system and a central bank (Federal Reserve). It auctions our representation to the highest bidders who then turn around and pirate our wealth through taxation and control over business cycles. It perpetuates wars of aggression throughout the world for the benefit of the corporations and finance institutions, and puts the cost in dollars onto the taxpayers, and the cost in lives onto our sons and daughters.

On his YouTube channel, I do not find Tea Party content or rhetoric, rather a toxic stew of rants about the New World Order, the New American Century, WTC conspiracy, Osama bin Laden bios, Alex Jones PrisonPlanet tripe, and the like.
I also want to make it clear that I have not yet found any specific information posted by Manson that endorses or supports Ron Paul for President. I can only say that his worldview and rhetoric are extremely consistent with that of Ron Paul.

His candidacy was endorsed by the California Election Forum, an organization headed by Craig Huey that intends “to help Evangelical Christians vote their values”.

Why am I making the effort to describe the nexus between Josh Harkinson’s erroneous article on the signing of the NDAA and Manson’s assassination threat against the President and his children? Precisely because we at ABLC have been documenting the overheated rhetoric and doomsday reporting about the NDAA, and calling attention to the way memes are being introduced into the popular narrative that are not supported by the actual content of the legislation.

I don’t believe that inducing panic into the populace leads to good decision-making, and Mr. Manson’s trajectory from failed candidate to assassination advocate is an extreme example of the kind of over-reaction this kind of inflammatory writing can evoke.
The ABLC team has reached out to Mr. Harkinson, the author of the NDAA article in question, for his comment and feedback, and will update this post as I can with more information.

UPDATE 1: Josh Harkinson has replied via Twitter, and I am attempting to get more details from him, but he denies being the author of the post at and is furious that his name is being used there. I thank him for responding, and would like to assist him in getting this blot off his reputation.
Several media outlets have reached out to James Kirchick, who is listed as the Founder and Editor in Chief of to confirm whether he is actually involved in that site’s publication. This is getting seriously twisted the more I look.
Here are screenshots from the site’s About section:
Kirchick, it should be noted, wrote a scathing article about Ron Paul for The New Republic back in 2008, so the idea that he would have created and founded a website devoted to “Ending the Fed” just a year earlier seems preposterous on its face. And Harkinson says he’s never written for this site.

Meanwhile, is further inciting readers around the passage of the NDAA. Yet another recent post there offers up a file containing the home addresses and telephone numbers of members of Congress who voted for the NDAA. There is no legitimate reason to publish such information when all members of Congress are easily contacted via their DC and district offices, unless you want someone out there in the internet to take it upon themselves to dispense a little retribution. And as of this writing, this article has been shared 224 times on Facebook.

Obviously, this has stumbled across into something much bigger than just a single wacko making threats against our President and his children. I will continue to work this story and either update this post or add new posts here as I learn more.

Stay tuned....Thanks to ABLC!

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