Minggu, 05 Mei 2013

Prayers for Bishop Larry D. Trotter He’s Diagnosed With Cancer!


Prayers for Bishop Larry D. Trotter He’s Diagnosed With Cancer

Bishop Larry D. Trotter – Senior Pastor of the Sweet Holy Spirit Church of Chicago — recently announced to his congregation and associate churches that he has been diagnosed with prostate cancer and will undergo surgery on May 22nd.

The initial diagnosis came during Bishop Trotter’s annual physical in March of 2013 and was confirmed by tests. Doctors have informed Bishop Trotter that the cancer is in its earliest stages and that his prognosis is good.
 “Thanks to routine screening this was diagnosed early and I expect a full and speedy recovery,” says Bishop Trotter. Trotter adds, “After reviewing all the options with multiple physicians, I decided to take a proactive approach and have surgery.”

“Additionally, I am encouraged that God will heal me of this as he has done other illnesses in the past. Sweet Holy Spirit Church and friends are fighting with and for me…I KNOW A MAN”.
Bishop Trotter is prepping to release his forthcoming album with his church choir Sweet Holy Spirit Combined Choir entitled PRAISE UNLIMITED on June 25.

The album’s lead single I Know A Man is rising on the Billboard Top Gospel Singles Chart and is currently at #43 and gaining momentum. Our Thoughts and Prayers are with him at this time!

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