Selasa, 26 Februari 2013

So NY Knick J.R Smith like giving his "PIPE" to TEENAGE GIRLS?

Did J.R. Smith REALLY Ask A HIGH SCHOOL Chick...."You Trying To Get The Pipe?"
Earlier, K. Michelle revealed that her upcoming Rebellious Soul album is based on her "romance" with NY Kicks baller J.R. Smith, so it made us wonder what it is about the baller that makes him "inspire" women?   We see that he's cute in that bad boy way and has a body full of sexy tattoos, but we just found out he's also a poet....and so eloquent with his words!

J.R. just got put on blast for flirting via DM with a chick who's a senior in high school.  Now before you start giving him that R. Kelly side-eye, reports state the chick in question lives in Pennsylvania (where the age of consent is 16).   And since we know the Knicks played the Philly 76ers the night of the 26th, we have to wonder if the chick followed through......
The second image shows her actual answer beforehand.  After the private conversation went viral...
J.R. posted this pic to his Instagram account.  Because it's clear from the conversation, he was simply offering the student a choice of pipes that he apparently sells. Even ballers could have a side hustle....
Good try dude....

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