Rabu, 21 November 2012

Meet Miss Cecil Singleton, Kevin Clash's NEW NIGHTMARE!

Meet Miss Cecil Kevin Clash NEW NIGHTMARE!
Cecil Singleton, the second accuser in the Kevin Clash sex scandal, held a press conference where he revealed he didn't have sex with Kevin until after he was 18, but they did engage in sexual activites while he was underage. Watch the video inside...
Cecil Singleton has filed a sexual abuse lawsuit in New York saying he and puppeteer Kevin Clash engaged in sexual activites when he was underage.  

During a press conference held earlier today, he clarified that he and Kevin DID NOT have sex while he was under 18 but did engage in sexual acts including "groping, masturbation, intense kissing, dry-humping" while he was 15. He maintains that they did not begin a sexual relationship until after he was of age.

While we are not sure if what happened between the ages or 15 and 18 is illegal in the state of New York, Cecil is still seeking $5 Million for psychological and emotional issues caused by the relationship. Now I’m sorry this queen is an opportunistic C*CKSUCKER. You admit that you were trolling gay chat lines UNDERAGE! 

And then you admitted that you had relations with other OLDER men but I guess they don’t have Kevin’s coin$ so we don’t who thse other guys are. Note to Kevin DATE MEN IN YOUR OWN AGE GROUP! And if you did have relations with this guy while he was underage then you must pay the consequences but if you didn’t this is sad that it has basically ended your career!

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