Selasa, 30 Oktober 2012

R.H.o.A Drama Ms Lawrence says Kandi cheated him out of Royalties!


RHOA’s Kandi Burruss Accused of Cheating Miss Lawrence Out of Song Royalties
A week before the new season of the Real Housewives of Atlanta airs and the drama has already started. Sunday evening, Bravo aired a special called “Hairstylists Tell All”, narrated by Miss Lawrence and Derek J. The show gave some behind-the-scenes insight about past episodes of the popular show. To give you a backstory, both men were guest regulars on the show. Derek J is/was Kim Zolciak’s hairstylist, while Miss Lawrence was good friends with former cast member Sheree Whitfield. During last season, Miss Lawrence unveiled that he was trying to launch a singing career. On one particular episode, we even see footage of he and Kandi recording a song called ‘Closet Freak’. Check it out.
So what’s the issue? On Sunday night’s special episode, Miss Lawrence alluded that he was not properly compensated for the song. He also noted that because of the incident with Kandi, he’s not a fan of doing business with friends. After the episode aired, Kandi took to twitter, responding to his comments. She wrote:
Closet Freak didnt sell hardly any copies.There was nothing left after paying the producer & recouping what i paid 4 studio time & mix fees.

OUCH! Anywho, the new season airs Sunday.

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