Senin, 13 Agustus 2012

Tea Talk; Are Lil’ Kim’s Fans REALLY about to GIVE UP on her?


Are Lil’ Kim’s Fans REALLY about to GIVE UP on her?
As many an act has learned before her, one’s legacy is only as powerful as the actions one takes in their career to preserve it. 
Unfortunately for Lil Kim, by way of falling for traps set by reigning Rap Queen Nicki Minaj and a questionable work ethic, she has seen her once admired career tainted and almost destroyed in recent years. 
Sullied, by her inability to match feats scored by acts she herself paved the way for. 
Now, in a letter sent out to several bloggers, her remaining fans have threatened to boycott her- citing her disregard for their supports as grounds for their grievance. 
Read below… 
Subject: Lil’ Kim Fans Set To Boycott Future Club Appearances 
From: Lil Kim Community <> 
Date: Sun, August 12, 2012 12:26 am 

“Lil’ Kim fans have decided to boycott the rapper’s future appearances until she shows them the love and respect that they deserve, with keeping at least one promise by releasing music. 
Kim’s fans are often disappointed with failed and delayed releases, still long awaiting her album following her release from prison in 2006. This time around enough has been enough. 
Kim launched her Return of The Queen tour with no material to state that she was officially back. Kim failed to properly release two promising singles during the tour, with “Keys To the City” not making it to iTunes and “Looks Like Money” not being released at all. 

It was her last appearance at Club 40/40 since the tour has been over that really had her fans upset. A video from the event surfaced of the intoxicated rapper making a comment and showing signs of not releasing music anytime soon. She then goes on to promote her boyfriend, who is an aspiring rapper. 

Fans took to Twitter to question Kim and her team on the video, not getting a response from Kim because she does not communicate with them anymore. Her hair stylist, tour manager, and boyfriend began to disrespect them, stating “yall complain too much, put a sock in it, let’s get this money, we got haters, etc”. 

The irony of the situation is that her fans are trying to get her to get to the money by releasing music for them to support. 

A fan even simply asked for an update and was told “she just got her nails done”. 
That seems to be a slap in the face to these dedicated fans. Fans are now turning their Twitter fan pages into personal pages and one of her fansites has been shut down by the owner. 
These fans are furious and are not taking it easy on Kim nor her team from now on. The plan now is to boycott any club appearances that may be promoted, including the current one in DC next month. 
It is said that fans are going as far as doing radio interviews to get the word out about the boycott. 
After riding with Kim for 7 years since her prison sentence, these fans definitely deserve better and are getting the respect they deserve, even if it means putting a hold on her income. 
*screen captures of some of the tweets from her team are attached” 

All this, days after a former member of the Rapper’s entourage also expressed their concerns over her 
Revealing, that they were distrusting of the aforementioned ‘Papers‘, who they believe is using her to further his own profile in Hip Hop. 
Now this afternoon on Twitter some fans are pledging to stay with her: See below!


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