Selasa, 09 Agustus 2011

Mississippi Hate Crime Supremacist Beating and Running Over Black Man

Mississippi Hate Crime Supremacist Beating and Running Over Black Man
Would you ever thin in 2011 18 year old would know what it is to be a RACIST?
James Craig Anderson, a 49-year-old plant worker, was standing in a parking lot in Jackson, Mississippi, when two carloads of white youth rolled up on his and started beating him to a pulp. While beating him, they screamed racial slurs at him and yelled “white power.” After beating him, the main instigator and driver of a Ford 250 truck, allegedly ran over Anderson as he stumbled away from the scene, crushing him with the car and killing him.

The teens were partying in a nearby mostly white county, when 18-year-old Deryl Dedmon told some of his friends,
“let’s go f&*% with some niggers.”
The thing is, the whole incident was caught on video! A nearby surveillance camera caught the whole thing!
Check out the video: warning very graphic and DISTURBING!


This is real sad. And to those that say we live in a post-racial society, I think they need to check again.

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